Elpas Hand Hygiene is designed to help hospitals achieve their goal of increased hand washing compliance by automatically documenting whether staff members wash their hands before and after patient encounters.

Elpas Hand Hygiene generates detailed compliance reports per caregiver or per examination room. This documentation can be beneficial in monitoring staff compliance with hospital hand hygiene policies and to trace the source of infection transfers

How Elpas Hand Hygiene Works
Each caregiver is issued an Elpas Active Identity Badge. So when the caregiver uses a hand washing  station or sanitizer, a nearby Elpas LF Beacon triggers the personal badge tag worn by the caregiver to transmit hand washing event messages that identifies the caregiver and the time that the specific dispenser was used.

Elpas RTLS Readers relay this time-critical hand hygiene data over the hospital's Ethernet network to the Eiris Tracking & Management Server that provides hand hygiene compliance reporting and alerting.

For additional information......Request a Consultation.

Identity Badge
Identity Badge