Elpas Infant Protection helps hospitals prevent baby abductions and unintentional baby mismatching in maternity environments from the time of delivery to the time of discharge.

Elpas Infant Protection permits the regular movement of mothers, staff and visitors in and out of the maternity ward, while preventing the protected infants from being removed from the ward unnoticed or without supervision. In addition to monitoring the physical whereabouts and safety of the infants, Elpas Infant Protection can log the authorized transfer of the infants throughout the hospital, preventing any illicit attempts to move infants to and from wards and treatment centers.

How BabyMatch Works
At the time of birth the infant is issued an Infant Protection Bracelet, which is placed on the baby's ankle and later can be adjusted should the baby lose weight before discharge.

Should an attempt occur to move the protected infant from the secured area without approval or authorized escort, the Bracelet will trigger the System  to alert personnel of the occurring security threat.

For additional information......Request a Consultation.

Infant Protection Charm
Infant Protection Charm